To 5 Reasons Megalodon Teeth Are Expensive.

Dangerous Locations
Expensive Equipment
Several other reasons Megalodon Teeth Are Expensive

Recovering megalodon teeth has challenges, along with distribution after they have been found, in this article I go over some of the reasons that megalodon teeth for sale can be expensive.

-- 2022 Update --
The article below has been updated but does not include inflation and the rapid rise in fuel prices, both of which are increasing the cost of megalodon teeth at a pretty significant rate.

Typically people will see the price of a megalodon tooth and have one of two reactions:
“Wow that is a real megalodon tooth and I can have it for that small amount of money?”
“Wow who would pay that much for that fossil megalodon tooth that is basically a rock”?


Both questions are valid and in this article I will try to explain some of the things that “Make Megalodon Teeth So Expensive” in a future article I will write about “Why Megalodon Teeth Are So Cheap” but that is best saved for a different article.

To 5 Reasons Megalodon Teeth Are Expensive.

#1 Expensive to Find
Dive gear for megalodon teeth
Every now and then someone casually walking on the beach will find a megalodon tooth, this happens very rarely and is often a smaller and very worn megalodon tooth that has washed up.  Scuba Equipment for Megalodon TeethThese kinds of finds are essentially free, however they are extremely rare and if those were the only megalodon teeth found they would be incredibly expensive due to how few there would be. 
To find megalodon teeth on a regular basis you often need to access places that require a lot of equipment, training, and experience.  All of those things cost money but the easiest to understand is the equipment required.
The picture above was taken of me exiting the water after a dive for megalodon shark teeth, all of the items in the picture I purchased specifically for finding megalodon teeth.  I went through and put prices on each item to give you an idea of the equipment expenses associated with finding megalodon teeth.  There are obviously many other pieces of equipment but this is a way to get an idea of some of the equipment expenses in a single picture.

#2 Dangerous To Recover

Divers who died diving for megalodon teeth
Megalodon teeth are often located in places that are dangerous to recover them.  Along cliff faces that collapse, around heavy equipment, and in my case under water.  Unfortunately over the past several years there have been many close calls and several people who have lost their life diving for megalodon teeth.  The days of megalodon being numerous on the beaches and in shallow water are unfortunately over, so divers push into deep or dark and treacherous waters in hopes of finding some of the megalodon teeth that have not previously been recovered.  The dangers associated with diving for megalodon teeth are part of the reason that they are expensive.  In the past few years the divers who have perished while diving for megalodon teeth for the most part have had extensive training, the correct equipment, and a lot of experience.  It is simply the dangerous conditions that make it so treacherous for people to dive for megalodon teeth and the fact that people have to take risks with significant consequences to recover them increases the cost.

#3 Fewer To Be Found Every Year
Broken Megalodon Tooth
Megalodon teeth are no longer being created by megalodon sharks.  There are no new ones being made so the world has a finite supply.  Much like gold and other resources that are in high demand the megalodon teeth that are easy or inexpensive to recover have for the most part been found already.  So areas that once had many megalodon teeth now have very few, which means it takes much more time searching to recover any.  This means that although the demand for megalodon teeth continues to go up the number being found on a regular basis is going down.  While some megalodon tooth hunters are willing to enter new areas that might hold megalodon teeth with a higher risk of injury or death there are still far fewer megalodon teeth that can be recovered than there were a decade ago.  Because of the dwindling supply of megalodon teeth their price will continue to rise as long as people all over the world are fascinated by these fossil teeth.

#4 Found In Difficult Locations To Access

Dangerous diving for megalodon teeth
The remaining megalodon teeth that are able to be recovered are for the most part in areas that are difficult to access.  Deep under the earth or water, the days of finding many megalodons along the beach or banks of a river are gone, so people like myself venture further and deeper in hopes of recovering some megalodon teeth.  The reason that there are still megalodon teeth in some of the dark water rivers I dive in is simply because no one wants to go in the water there.  Depth, current, lack of visibility, inhospitable wildlife, etc all do their part in keeping people out of those waters.  In my articles "Really How Dark Is It Down There?" and "Is Darkwater Diving Dangerous?" I highlight some of those issues.  But fundamentally one thing that makes megalodon teeth expensive is the inhospitable or dangers conditions in which they are currently found.

#5 Multi Level Supply Chain

The final reason that megalodon teeth can be expensive is they often go through a multi level supply chain.  In an upcoming article I will describe how the average megalodon tooth gets to an end customer but each time it changes hands that party needs to make a profit, the more levels the higher price the end consumer pays.  Most teeth are purchased from the person who recovered it and resold at least once, in some cases four to five times, this can add a significant expense and make the megalodon tooth much more expensive for the final owner.


I hope this article has helped explain why megalodon teeth are considered expensive by some. If you would like a fossilized megalodon shark tooth you can find some for sale at my online store, along with other fossils for sale.

Megalodon Shark Teeth For Sale